Molekulares Therapie-Board in Verbindung mit der DASNE;
Vernetzung mit nationalen und internationalen Forschungsinitiativen
Molecular Boards are interdisciplinary, multi-professional meetings where individual therapy options for patients with rare and complex diseases are discussed, based on the molecular characteristics of their illness. The composition of the board depends on the clinical characteristics of the case being discussed and comprises all experts necessary to analyse and interpret the available data in order to find an individual therapy option. The Board includes treating physicians, further clinical experts, experts from molecular diagnostics and research disciplines as well as patient representatives.
The Treat-ION project will establish a molecular therapeutic board for rare NICATD using the infrastructure of the DASNE. The expert panel of the board will comprise clinicians and
researchers that participate in Treat-ION, complemented by other clinical and scientific experts from DASNE and international partners.
Through our network Treat-ION is part of or cooperates with numerous national and international rare and ion channel disease initiatives and infrastructures:
- Clinical netzwerks: ERN-RND, ERN-EpiCARE
- Diagnostic research projects: Solve-RD, Epi25, ILAE Genomics u.a.
- Clinical databases: REDCap
- Research infrastructures: RD-Connect, DFG Forschergruppe FOR 2518Clinical networks: